Translation, Please

Visual art is a language most definitely.  Reasonable or not, the request to translate is often necessary. As a visualist, this language is fluent for me, just as english is my first spoken language.  For non visual artists or those that don't spend as much time with art,there can be a disconnect that they yearn to repair. I would translate korean to english for a friend that doesn't understand korean. In the same respect, at times, I will happily translate my visual to language to words for those that seek assistance. Of course nuance can be lost and for seekers to truly take in the full intention of the image, they need to spend their own time and efforts for full comprehension. In the meantime  I will make my best efforts as my energy level permits.'

Do you have thoughts on translating art? Or, do you feel it should simply be experienced?

Below is a series on paper that I intentional share visible writing. The journaling element of expressionism is one that I cannot leave out. Only in recent yearss have I left it available for the viewer to find in final images.


Art Is Magic. Art Is Love.