As Light Changes

The winter to spring schedule changed earlier than usual for the studio this year. More classes are popping up and the calendar is filling fast. Solo time in the studio hasn’t been as consistent. The good and bad: My paintings are happening a slower pace than I prefer. The good of this is that students can absorb the process more effectively and I get to enjoy each painting a little longer before moving on. The not as good: I have so many ideas that are bursting out! Keeping my mind and body working at the same pace has always been a challenge. Right now, they are definitely not feeling synced.

I am battling the challenge with my sketchbook. I take it everywhere and collect information, ideas, and drawing into this portable studio so that when the time is right, I can expand on my wildest dreams, currently contained.

This sketchbook habit is one I encourage in every human, especially my students and mentorship program participants. In fact, I am currently leading a sketchbook challenge, called Mark Up March, over at Roaming Studio, this month. I would love for you to join us. Join by subscribing, HERE.

In the meantime, I am enjoying the light changing with the seasons and how it is showing up in my current landscape series. I see large abstractions of this idea heading our way.


Art Is Magic. Art Is Love.


We all Need Reminders