We all Need Reminders

Keeping up with the competition is a challenge faced by any artist. I feel it just as much as the next creative, until I remember, I am my toughest critique and my own biggest challenge.

This week was a good one to keep in mind that I only need to be better today than I was yesterday. That is success. moving forward is progress, even when it looks different that I imagined. That was definitely the case this week!

Like many artists, I have a vision of what success looks like. It is a lot more relaxed in my mind than it feels today. I see myself travel a lot, painting even more and spending time with loved ones. On occasion, I will share my knowledge and experiences with interested students and art lovers.

I was feeling discouraged and as I ran around town taking care of life essentials, prepping my studio and others’ for planned projects, and answering a billion tedious questions.

Time for a big breath!

When I did stop to look around: a congruent reality became clear. Success is here!

I make art everyday.

I am fortunate to have a healthy, thriving relationship with my daughter, my partner, and good friends.

I have hundreds of student, that had good experiences with me this week.

My mentorship participants are thriving in their practices, art business, and creative explorations.

I traveled less than dreamed of but more than time should acutally allow. Hiking and spending time on a motorcycle were beautiful and exhilarating experiences this week. More time like this is scheduled.

Little moments of success are success. The best part is they are the building blocks to big wins.

Below is a favorite piece, created last year. I choose to share it now because it represents building a big success out of smaller success. It was created with multiple processes and media: printmaking, drawing, painting, & collage.

Her Spirit Flies: Her Flock Guiding Her Through

20 x 30 inches

Mixed Media with reclaimed materials, hand carved block prints, monotypes, paint


As Light Changes


Appreciating the Little Things Helps Avoid Big Regret